Figured it out by myself. Sadly so few questions get answered nowadays.
I will leave some advises for people with similar problems and investigations. I also got some advises for more in depth analyse in UnrealSlackers I want to spent here.
Set very verbose Log in DefaultEngine.ini
Search in Log for example:
UActorChannel::ReceivedBunch: Received a MustBeMappedGUID that is not registered.
LogNetTraffic: Error: UActorChannel::ProcessBunch: New actor channel received non-open packet
This was not my problem, so I did not have this error messages. Advise is from UnrealSlackers. And this very verbose shows me important things in Logs so I could better analyze what was happen.
With log LogNetPackageMap VeryVerbose yor can see the creation of playerstate in the logs. But as assumed, for server everything is correct, but on client the creation of playerstate after server travel is missing.
In the end it turned out my problem was that I had actors in the level which had higher priority as player state and the server (I still do not know why) stopped simply replicating actors and player state. So player state was not created on client and error occur.
At the moment, for me it is a bug in UE. But its not directly reproducible, also in my case it only happens on some machines and only sometimes on these machines. (Error case in 30-50% of the test runs)
The behavior is not intuitive and makes no sense for me, that Server is stopping replicating to client before all very important actors like controllers, player state, game state, etc… is replicated. In my case, the log in the following screenshots clearly shows that server stopped replicating to client before player state was replicated.
I also do not get the point why UE4 is replicating actors before creating player state. Of course, when priority of other actors is higher at gameplay, these should be replicated before player state. But of course it is very important to create the player state at client side at all.
Investigation was pretty hard, because it not happening an all PCs just on the slower ones. Perhaps some limitation in UE is met. I still do not know, I found nothing about limitation of that kind in UE4 documentation.
What was my solution: Turn down net priority of physics enables actors in my map back to default or at least lower then game state, player state, player controller…
I attach a lot of screen shot with explanation. Perhaps it helps the next one who gets this curios problem. Also in screenshot you see the buggy/random behavior.
Everything fine in most cases. Problem occurred only sometimes. Here is the “fine case” Logfile
Sometimes Server stops replicating, here is the “failure case” Logfile
This settings in actors in the map I had to set back