ZOrder for Widget Component (screen)

Hi all,
I have an actor with a widget component (set on screen). This actor supposedly does [this][1] automatically to show its widget component on screen, correct?

How do you set its ZOrder if you want it to be over/under other widgets already in the viewport (that have nothing to do with this actor, say the UI)?

I imagined I would be able to set it from User Interface in Details panel, but there’s nothing:

That’s the ZOrder for the widget slots.
I need to change the ZOrder of the whole widget relative to the player viewport.

Yes. And the root of your UMG is treated as just another slot in the screen. So, you can use that method to change it’s ordering among the other UMGs on screen. As you can change colors, opacity and anything you can do with internal slots. I just think it wouldn’t have any effect if your widget was in world space.

Are you sure about this? If I set the ZOrder from the widget slot to 20, ingame it appears under a widget with zorder 1

You’re right. The solution I offered only works for standard widgets. It seems that component ones are not Added to Viewport at all. They must be rendered in another way, as I also tried removing them from the viewport and it does nothing.

Yes, that’s what I was thinking ;( Let’s hope someone comes with a solution

No one’s answering, means it is not possible?

I think so. It’s a feature to be requested.

I would like confirmation for that so I can start working around the issue in another way.

I changed the covered widget component’s shared layer name from WidgetComponentScreenLayer to WidgetComponentScreenLayer1, then the coverd widget showed up…

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Wow, changing the Name to “WidgetComponentScreenLayer1” in the WidgetComponent under “Layers” (SharedLayerName) worked! Thanks!

But it is really not transparent that it would work like that.


Wow, changing the Name to “WidgetComponentScreenLayer1” in the WidgetComponent under “Layers” (SharedLayerName) worked! Thanks!

But it is really not transparent that it would work like that.


The layers seems to work like layers in photoshop. The ZOrder is set for the layer, but doesn’t change for other widget components with the same layer name automatically.

I guess there should be a way to “organize layers”. A list to add and choose them maybe.