Zod - Hack n Slash

Recently got some free time on my hands and I remembered the nostalgia from playing Diablo 2 when I was a kid, so I have started my own project.
For now it is nothing more than a created project from top down template.

Project will be done using c++ where I can instead of blueprints for learning purpose :slight_smile:
The first thing I want to do is to create system that procedurally generates items during the game, such as it is done in Diablo 2, Path of Exile and alike games.

Here is a simple preview what I have done since starting the project yesterday and I will be updating the thread as I go.

Edit: Latest update - Stash[HERE]
Have a nice day,

Not bad! You seem to already have a pretty good item system going :slight_smile:

Thanks. The basic system is done. Now I need to populate the tables with basic items that the generated ones will derive from, because in the video the table consists of only two belts that only vary in required level.
Today I have threw out the created UMG and created VerticalBox, TextBlock and others objects in code.
Simple preview below, when the text doesn’t have only one color.

The base of volume gird based inventory has been added.
For now it just add items to the inventory and you cannot move it, but that is the next thing that is going to be done.
Size of the inventory, item slot and padding can be easily changed by modifying constexpr variable.
Size of the items dropped in the video is explicitly determined in code, so it won’t drop the same size every time, because I still didn’t populate my base items table.

Due to lack of time wasn’t doing anything for a few months, but started again two days ago.
Just finished basic inventory system, with possibility of items being different grid sizes, adding new items to inventory, removing from inventory, picking item on the cursor from inventory etc.
Quick video below, in which items are 1x1 or 2x2 in grid size(lack of sprites to record other sizes atm :))

Just added stash that uses the same widget as player inventory. The widget will be also used by npc seller in the future. Also showing the tooltip on item hover(within the widget).