I have an audio level slider and when I slide it down to level 0 and slide back up to some hearable level the audio track starts over from the beginning time.
I used the same slider in 4.10 but it was not like this back then.
There’s a known bug (or maybe it’s intended, but it’s dumb) where soundcomponents get killed automatically when their volume is 0. There’s a bool, VirtualiseWhenSilent, on SoundCues (or maybe sound waves) that you can try to fix this; but I’m not sure if it works. A workaround would be to only slide the volume down to 0.01 or something. Probably couldn’t tell the difference.
Nine years later but just in case somebody else ends up here, we handled this by adding a check in our sound settings UI that a) checks if the volume has moved from 0 to anything positive, and b) checking if the audio component is still active, then reactivating if not. It will restart on occasion but at least never mutes when it shouldn’t. There is still the issue that it fires the OnAudioCompleted delegate when it hits zero but still working on that.