Zeppelin - Steampunk

Hi guys, this is my new project, it’s based on creating a giant prop-asset with a lot of detail in terms of modeling and textures, for this project I chose to create a zeppelin focused on the steampunk style, in the end I will place it in an environment that I will create in UE5 to generate a final visual story, I hope you will continue this process with me as it will be a bit shorter than the previous one, enjoy it

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This is the initial blocking


Hi there @Reload3d,

Hope you’re doing well friend!

Do you have any references for this? I can’t seem to picture a cyberpunk zeppelin :sweat_smile:

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Hey, thanks, all good.
Of course, here I put some references that I’m using to create my own zeppelin, the style is steampunk not cyberpunk :joy:

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Oh no, I totally misread :joy: That makes far more sense. Love the references though!