Z.T.G. PEMBE Series Development

I am Glad to officially launch the development of my second game Pembe. PEMBE is an African Action Packed, Open Word RPG 3d Game, based on Poaching and Hunting With a highlight on Kenyan Traditional culture, The main Aim of this title is to emerse the player deep into the African Cultural beauty although the setting also includes a little bit of U.S.A. and China.

I Believe the best way to develop a Lovely game is to involve the gaming community in the development of the game since the game belongs to them. During the development of this project i will be posting progress possibly on daily basis at the same time reacting on comments and suggestions from the community.

For a Solo Indi developer this a very tough and expensive journey but i believe with you and God on my side i will be able to see this massive Project to its completion.

Hello People!
The Video is finally here of the Apartment Interior for Z.T.G Pembe Game, the main target was to give the apartment a Modern African Touch. which well so far



could you maybe turn down the bloom a little ? i know its Africa but wow that is bright