Hi! I run a small animation studio called Chromosphere and we have been playing in UEFN for a few weeks. For our first baby steps into it we wanted to take some assets from an existing project we have called Yuki 7 and use them to build a small set where we could experiment with lighting effects, animation, and other things. So far we have successfully placed characters with stepped animation and have been able to incorporate some of our stylized post-processing which includes adding a halftone-like pattern to bright areas and a line pattern to the dark areas.
Some things we still have on our list to try out are:
Story events: Our goal eventually is to build out a little story experience, so one of the next things we will want to play with is triggering events throughout the set.
Riding in Vehicles: I’ve seen in some of the other projects that people have been able to set up vehicles to ride in and we are hoping to make it so you can ride a motorcycle in our set.
We also aren’t sure about the following:
Can we replace the NPC Fortnite characters with our own? Right now our characters just walk on a path and will eventually walk out of the world. It would be great if they could walk around on their own.
Thanks for checking out our project and we are happy to hear any thoughts or feedback!
thank you! yes we were so excited when we got those people walking around! we are still trying to figure out if there’s a way to replace the fortnite NPCs so they can wander around on their own. right now they are just on paths
Thank you! We were really impressed with UEFN and how quickly we could incorporate cool post processing stuff and fancy blooms & reflections & stuff and have it all running smoothly