Youtube video embedded too big

On a Samsung s2 using Google Chrome the embedded youtube videos are too big. Only the half of the video is visible, thus it isn’t possible to switch into full screen.

Didn’t know where I could report it, hope this is the right place.

Hi ,

Can you give me some more information about your issue and how it relates to UE4? Thanks very much!

Hi wittlief,

the problem has more to do with the Unreal Engine Forum than with the editor itself. I’m sorry if this isn’t the right medium to forward a hint regarding the forum. It would be good if you could redirect me where else I should report it, thanks!

However this is how the youtube videos are embedded on the site:

As you see it is not possible to zoom out and see the whole video, even not in landscape orientation.

Hi ,

Unfortunately, as there is currently no mobile optimized version of the Unreal forums, any problems you’re experiencing will have to be addressed by vbulletin, who built the forum structure. Sorry we can’t do anything on our end, at this time! Thank you for your report, however.

Got it. Thank you nonetheless!