Youtube showing scam ads

For the last 3.5 years Youtube is constantly adverting a very obvious scam to users in EU.
Ads like “Elon Musk created a Tesla-X app that will earn you 1000 dollars a day” with his deepfake, which is obviously fake to any moderator approving the ad, and is obviously illegal to do. Deepfakes of literally official politicians and even leader of my own country as a deepfake saying about “we created an official app for our citizens to earn money”. I reported these ads to youtube, but they know they are doing very well and dont react to it.

These ads are being approved by someone in Youtube despite it being an obvious scam. And Youtube is taking money from criminals for advertising their scam and helps them bring more people in. Basically Youtibe helps criminals rob people for a share it receieves from ads.

Recently they added EU-visa ads into the ad section, with famous bloggers deepfakes advertising the service, as well as advertising legit products but with clone websites that were set-up to steal your credit card details.

Youtube lost all reputation and trust,
every ad see on youtube I suspect to be a 99% scam - because if they allow deepfakes of presidents advertising ponzy schemes and fake websites - you can never know if what they advertize is not fake