Your Ultimate Guide to Epic Indies: Connect, Learn, and Thrive!

Hi fellow indies,

As game devs ourselves, we have passion for helping indie developers succeed. We have many resources available for you, so I thought it was a good idea to share a map to help you find everything Epic Games has to offer you in your game development journey.

Here’s how we support indies:

:hammer_and_wrench:Unreal Engine: Start for free and only pay when your game hits $1 million in revenue.

:moneybag:MegaGrants: Funding your ambitious projects.

:convenience_store:Epic Games Store: A fair revenue-split platform for publishing.

:rocket:And of course now you can also Join the Epic Developer Community’s New Indies Space!

We built the Epic Developer Community in 2022 as a space created by devs, for devs—a place where you can connect, share your journey, and learn from each other. Earlier this year, we listened to your feedback and made it better with faster navigation, smoother profiles, and a more intuitive tutorial editor. Now, we’re thrilled to take it one step further with a brand-new Indies space, designed just for small teams like yours! Whether you’re here to meet other indie devs, stay updated with the latest news, or explore new learning resources, you’ll find it all in one welcoming spot.

:video_game: No matter what engine you’re using—Unreal or otherwise—you’re part of the community here. :video_game:

:link: Connect with Fellow Indies on the Forum: We know it’s important to feel connected, and we’re making that easier than ever! Our Indies forum is the perfect place to:

  • Ask and answer questions about business, distribution, marketing, game production, community building and more!
  • Showcase your projects
  • Get inspired by other indie devs

Plus, we’ll be hanging out with you, hosting AMAs, Discord Office Hours, and special opportunities to connect with Epic and industry partners on our Discord

:newspaper: Get News, Events, and Resources in One Place: Indie life is busy, so we’ve rolled out a one-stop destination for all your development needs. Check out the latest news & events and the Epic Help and Support all in one place.

:books: Explore the Epic for Indies Learning Library and Share Your Knowledge: Whether you’re a seasoned dev or taking your first steps, there’s always something new to learn. With over 4,000 learning posts—and growing, thanks to the community—you’ll find what you need to level up your skills. Want to contribute? Create and share your own tutorials or dev diaries to help others in the community in this link!

:rocket: Ready to Share Your Project?

We know the challenges that small teams face, and we want to help. Tell us about your game, and if it stands out, you could get a little extra support from Epic. Head over to the Dev Portal and fill us in—we’ve even got a step-by-step guide to help you get started.

:bulb: Dive in and join the Indies space now—let’s build something amazing together! :star2:

Got questions or thoughts to share? Drop them in the forum—we’d love to hear from you!

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