Our company, prorender, has developed a cloud solution for Twinmotion and Unreal Engine on a dedicated GPU server, allowing for high-quality and latency-free presentations without limits. For example, project size, texture size, and maximum presentation duration are not limited and you can use it for very big projects. Unlike the Twinmotion Cloud, our solution is not browser-based, and instead, we use our software “prorender connector” for cloud connectivity, which is also easy for the customer to use (“click and go”). In terms of quality, we can support 4k monitor resolution since we essentially provide a fully equipped remote GPU workstation for Twinmotion or Unreal Engine presentations. Our cloud solution can be installed on GPU instances from various IAAS providers or set up on existing local workstations. For transmission in 4k and 60 fps, a minimum upload speed of 15 Mbit/s per video stream per client connection is required for good quality, while a higher bandwidth, such as 25 Mbit/s, guarantees very high (almost lossless) image quality.
If you wish to utilize an unlimited cloud solution for excellent presentation of your Twinmotion or Unreal Engine projects, we can provide this with our cloud solution. Additionally, we can also set up video conferencing systems, allowing you to conduct interactive meetings with your team or clients and deliver high-quality online presentations. If you have any questions, please contact our support directly over our internet site www.prorender.de.
renderfarm - cloud - IT services