So this is kinda me collecting all the knowledge in one place but This warning has crept back in with another app but I actually do need it this time.
it says this
Your app currently uses Play Billing Library version AIDL and must update to at least version 5.2.1 to make use of the latest monetization features on Google Play.
Ok click learn more and it takes you here and says this.
How to fix APK or App Bundle updated to latest Play Billing Library but still triggering deprecation warning?
Make sure your
contains an entry with namecom.google.android.play.billingclient.version
. If the entry isn’t present, check your manifest merge settings to see if the manifest attribute is being dropped during manifest merging.
Which is handy but Ive looked in my manifest and it only has this.
uses-permission android:name=“com.android.vending.BILLING”
So how would I go about updating it?
Am I just adding “com.google.android.play.billingclient.(insert version)” to the permissions with the billing version I need?
Thanks for reading.