You uploaded an APK or Android App Bundle which has an activity, activity alias, service or broadcast receiver with intent filter, but without 'android:exported' property set. This file can't be installed on Android 12 or higher

Do we need to extract it and paste the extracted folder to UE.4.27?

worked thanx bro god blees you

bro can you tell me which method worked for you and how? I am stuck here since 1 week


Has anyone got a working set up for 4.27 with sdk 32 instead of 31? Meta is requiring sdk 32 for their platform.

I found that adding an extra tag for ‘UE4.GameActivity’

and deleting the Android folder in the Intermediate directory, or alternatively, removing the entire Intermediate folder before starting a new build, worked for me.
I tested it on UE 4.27 and 4.26

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just wanted to let anyone working in ue5 know that adding the line above will result in errors as it’s now baked into the engine already.

This works for me! Thanks dude!!

Hello. I am using ue5.2. There is this android:exported=“true” event. Under normal circumstances, I do not have a problem with the assignment of the google console, but there is a 5.1 ads plugin, I am trying to compile and use this plugin 5.2. The export status in the xml file is set to true (I leave the relevant part below), but I still get the same error when I assign google console. Can you help me ? (ads plugin is “banshads” plugin which is free in the market)

<loopElements tag="receiver">
				<setStringFromAttribute  result="ExportTag" tag="$" name="android:exported"/>
				<setBoolIsEqual result="ShouldNotAddExportTag" arg1="$S(ExportTag)" arg2="false"/>
				<if condition="ShouldNotAddExportTag">
						<addAttribute tag="$" name="android:exported" value="true"/>

<loopElements tag="activity">
				<setStringFromAttribute  result="ExportTag" tag="$" name="android:exported"/>
				<setBoolIsEqual result="ShouldNotAddExportTag" arg1="$S(ExportTag)" arg2="false"/>
				<if condition="ShouldNotAddExportTag">
						<addAttribute tag="$" name="android:exported" value="true"/>

<loopElements tag="service">
				<setStringFromAttribute  result="ExportTag" tag="$" name="android:exported"/>
				<setBoolIsEqual result="ShouldNotAddExportTag" arg1="$S(ExportTag)" arg2="false"/>
				<if condition="ShouldNotAddExportTag">
						<addAttribute tag="$" name="android:exported" value="true"/>

Correct answer. It worked in my project in UE 4.27.2 even for SDK ver. 32.

Can I know the solution ? I am using UE 5.2

don’t add it

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I moved to latest 5.3.1 and it solved. I haven’t add any

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Hey thanks a ton! Solution 3 fixed it for me

You are a savior, sir

I tried some of the other methods, including some in the code but this very simple one was the answer - thank you.

so cool

Just confirming that this also solved the same issue for SDK 33, API level 33 on UE4 4.27.2 Source, and I didnt have to rebuild the engine in my case.