You uploaded an APK or Android App Bundle which has an activity, activity alias, service or broadcast receiver with intent filter, but without 'android:exported' property set. This file can't be installed on Android 12 or higher

I am having this problem too. Is set as true already, I changed to false but is not working too.

Apparently we have to add this manually on manifest for each activity. I just don’t know where to add this correctly.

Guys, I did it. I changed the target SDK from 32 to 30 and the SDK API Level from latest to android-30. Worked fine and as I saw on Unity forum we have to wait for an upgrade from Epic (Unreal 4-28 for example) to fix this and upload correctly to Android 12.


everyone knows … we are interested in how to make it work on 12 androids too…4.28 will probably never be … since they are working on version 5 … so we are dealing with this problem ourselves)

Dude I asked this guy about it yesterday. Awesome!!!


I have tried the solution suggested in the video, I have even searched through the merged manifest in android studio and made sure every singe call of intent filter has a declaration of android:exported=“true” or false before it… I am still getting the error message.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I’m at a loss with this one.

Thanks man ! it worked !!!

Awesome, though I can slap myself for not figuring this out myself :rofl: :rofl:

i can fix it send message on facebook page :

the 30 target worked for me as well! now i cant get the file under 150 mb ill start a new post if any one has the answer lol

Problem Fixed here : You uploaded an APK or Android App Bundle which has an activity, activity alias in Unreal Engine - YouTube

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This is caused by recent changes in Google Play Console, which will no longer accept activities, activity aliases, services, or broadcast receivers that don’t have the android:exported property set. Unfortunately, this is hardcoded in the UnrealBuildTool, and editing the AndroidManifest.xml file directly won’t help, because UnrealBuildTool regenerates this file on each build.

We simply need to wait until Epic fixes this in the engine, hopefully next release. Until then, you have 3 options:

Solution 1 (easiest): Downgrade to API 30

As mentioned above, switch your target API to 30. You can download API 30 using the SDK manager. With this solution you will lose the advantages of API 32 obviously.

Solution 2: Build it with Android Studio

Follow @Ahmed_Aniss147 's solution to build the project with Android Studio. You can edit the AndroidManifext.xml file to add android:exported="true" to the com.epicgames.ue4.SplashActivity activity. Then you will need to open the project in Android Studio and set up Android Studio to build the project and sign/zip-align the APK/AAB for you. Since Unreal Engine rewrites the AndroidManifext.xml file on each build, you would probably need to repeat this process.

This approach will let you keep the advantages of API 32.

Solution 3: Use the source version of Unreal Engine and edit the source code

This solution requires the most setup. Getting the Unreal Engine running from the source version comes with a lot of gigabytes to download and things to install. But once you have it running, you can alter the Unreal Engine’s code in any way and it will work for you once you do it. Without the need to edit the manifest file over and over, and keeping the API 32 features.

Once you have the source version set up, you just need to open the Engine/Source/Programs/UnrealBuildTool/Platform/Android/UEDeployAndroid.cs file, and add the line:

Text.AppendLine("\t\t          android:exported=\"true\"");

…after the line 2389

Then rebuild the Engine, build your project for shipping and you should be able to upload to the Google Play Console successfully.


Btw, I’ve created a pull request to the Engine:


Much better :grin:
That’s the .cs I was looking for, thank you !!!

This might help reducing the size

Why was everyone silent? do you use solutions from @Ahmed_Aniss147 and everything works for you?

THX SO MUCH! Needed this fix so badly.

Solved here : You uploaded an APK or Android App Bundle which has an activity, activity alias in Unreal Engine - YouTube

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You can try out my solution here. It worked perfectly!!! (

My PR was already merged into UE 5.0 and this problem should be gone ever since.