I’ve been working on an unreal 5 project with my partner for about 5 months. 2 months ago we hit a wall because she felt motion sick when using the in-editor wasd flight camera. So much so that she could not work with it more than about 60 seconds.
This struck me because it was not the first time I’d heard of Unreal creating motion sickness. So I got to thinking and I remembered one thing about motion sickness: It is often caused in situations were the brain cannot anticipate changes in velocities.
And so it struck me that the unreal flight cam was also a rare occurance of an editor camera that had some kind of velocity management: When you release the ‘W’ key after an extended flight you will notice that the camera doesn’t stop dead it continues it’s path for a while, like a car breaking to slow down to a stop, admittedly a car with very good breaks.
In other words the perfect situation to get motion sick.
I have implemented a fix: a very simple one I just disable the flight camera damping.
It worked wonders the sickness is entierly gone !
This boggles my mind at to why this option is not available by default in UE.
If you want to try it the branch is here, it is lean and clean branching out of 5.5.1:
I’d be very curious to know if this is useful to anyone else. Feel free to integrate into your own projects. It does not even change the default behaviour of the editor. You just have to disable camera damping in the editor options, search for “FlightCameraDamping”.
I’ll try and make a pull request at some point after I get more feedback.