Hello, I built game without errors, but every time game crash and display this error: You do not have any debugging symbols required to display the callstack for this crash.
I have installed editor for symbols for debugging but still not working…
But if i build another game it works… Can anybody help me please?
Was the project showing this issue created in 4.14 or was it created in an older version and converted? Are the affected projects and other projects you’ve tried using the same engine version? Can you explain the nature of the crash you’re getting in the affected project and if it’s the same crash in other projects?
@ No, It wasn’t. I created this project in Github 13.2 version, maybe that’s the problem. But that version get every time error in Automation tool (25) while building, so I migrated files and then used in new project made in UE 4.14.
Game normally works in standalone mode.
Thank you for reply so much!
Right now no, I’m using version from Launcher, but I think I fixed that, I just tick “Full rebuild” and selected shipping build, then it’s working, but if build game as development then it crashes.
I’m not sure I fully understand what the issue is that you’re having. You have a project that was originally created with the 4.13 source engine, you then converted the project to 4.14 using the binary version from the launcher, correct? Now the project is crashing in 4.14? What were you doing at the time of the crash? Can you provide your machineID to help me identify the crash you’re seeing?
About the debugging symbols, you should be able to open the launcher and go tot the Library tab. From here you can click the dropdown arrow next to the Launch button for 4.14 and select Options. In the screen that appears, ensure that Editor symbols for debugging is checked and click Apply. Doing this, you should get the full callstack in the crash reporter window when a crash occurs.
The crash report window mentions making sure that cooking was successful, in the editor can you try going to File->Cook Content for Windows. Can you also explain what you were doing when the crash occurred? Any additional information you can provide will be helpful.
We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will follow up.