Yay for health, new ISP, finished moving, and fixed gfx card ! Rah is back baby.

So for awhile i had no internet because i was boycotting Comcast because of the terrible service and support i got. Seriously if you can not use them, don’t. They do everything to make you unhappy.

Anyways im happy to report i got a new isp. I finally finished moving. I fixed my gfx card by soldering the dvi connections back to the pcb proper.

OH Best part of all ? I stopped coughing up copious amounts of blood :slight_smile: For years and years i’ve been couching up blood like this picture taken a little while ago at the old house. I got on a new diet thanks to Rama! (who knew he was a healer! he is a god, thank you Rama for my health and for everything you do! ) and i was put on some herbal medicine, in combination from the diet from rama and the new medicine it has pretty much fixed most of my pulmonary and heart functionality.

Years and years of taking pharmaceuticals and I never felt any better. then i switch to a really awesome diet and some good ole fashion Tussilago (herb) with Stinging Nettle and i feel like a new man. :slight_smile: Seriously i cannot thank you enough Rama! <3 You’ve restored my life.

I’m walking without a cane now too!!!

i can get back to full time development on my projects! Yay for life! Yay for Rama!

Glad you are doing much better, and you’re back on a healthy diet!

Welcome back !