How do I batch input the parameters of Yaw, Pitch, Roll in the context of the Prior pose of the photo?Can I import it with a TXT text? What format do I need?
Hi zzzj
For now is the only option to get these informations in RC with help of XMP files. So you need to write own parser of your data to XMP
Thank you very much. How do I write to the XMP file, and can you provide a sample file?
zzzj wrote:
Thank you very much. How do I write to the XMP file, and can you provide a sample file?
See the ‘Re-use Alignment’ tutorial in the Help section of the software.
The XMP file USES a rotation matrix, and the number of corresponding photos is a lot, and there are ways to be able to import the Yaw, Pitch, Roll, like the flight log? Can import positions txt file like agisoft ? thanks help
How about:
Help - Flight Log Import
Would the info you are looking for be there?