Xsens Mocap and Epic Live Link Face

Hi. I´m interested in buying Xsens mocap. I know that Faceware is compatible with their system, but I´ll use Live Link Face for face capture.
Has anyone here already used Xsens with Live Link Face? Is it possible to integrate both to work together?
Thanks in advance.

Save your money. Go to a proper mocap studio.

In any case, live link connects just about anything to anything else via wify (on an internal network). So yea, you can set up a character to react from 2 different live link sources such as face, and whatever other mocap solution.

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Thank you for replaying. I´d like to know if it´s possible to connect Epic Live Link to Xsens software. If not, capturing body movement and facial expressions should be in different software at the same time, right?

As far as I know, MVN from Xsens capture just the body tracking, so if you want to also capture the facial tracking, you can either blend together both the data from MVN and LiveLinkFace using Unreal ( so both realtime, creating a single animation sequence ), or you can record the data separately, since you can record the body movement in MVN and record the facial animation using LiveLinkFace CSV data.


Yea, because of having to work on the files I suggest having unreal merge them for you.

The livelink system does a good job at timing all aspects for a near perfect (mind you its near, not perfect) playback.
It saves you from having to pair up different files which having to click into different windows to start the take will always be offset from one another.

The basic pipeline is to record with take recorder, export to any DCC for cleanup, and import back into the final project.

As someone who basically could run his own mocap studio (2 rokoko suits and custom face capture), I’ll repeat it again.

Your money is way better spent at a mocap studio.

The suits have hard limitations (can’t touch your head, can’t touch your face, can’t clap your hands, etc). Further, sync of 2 suits is even more error prone (a simple 2 person dance goes off sync to where hands don’t connect in half a second).

With the money you have to spend on a suit, you can literally book and receive clean files to use for your project and have enough time left over at a mocap studio to do another 10 or 20 takes.
And the files they give you will always be in almost perfect sync / requiring a lot less work.

So keep it in mind.
(Also worth mentioning the fact that if people like us keep buying the suits as they are with the said limitations, they’ll never fix a thing?)

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Thank you, man! I´ve forgotten about the possibility to save the face capture in CSV data.

Thank you, again. I´ll think about what you told me.