XOOYD, Play with gravity!

XOOYD is a proof of concept: a multiplayer FPS which allows players to play with gravity. This concept consists of a FPS, where players can, at any moment, change the gravity direction, but only for himself: Each player has his own gravity.

This enables a higher freedom, and incredible game situations !

As it is a POC, the code might be unstable, and should not be considered as a real game, and content comes from UE4’s templates, MarketPlace, and ShooterGame demo.



Play on ShooterGame’s Sanctuary’s blocks, in a huge map where you have to move with gravity !

Map designed using ShooterGame’s Highrise assets

Get a global view of the map using gravity !

Code source is available by PM

Have fun !

Looks cool I’ll have to check it out later and give it a whirl.