Sorry, this is not exactly a bug, but a big slowdowner for my development cycle.
I’m working with a lot of external C++ source files, not generated by the editor’s class generator.
Whenever I add new files I have to re-create the XCode project using the Service “Generate XCode Project”.
This is fine with me, no problem.
The default scheme jumps back to the
first entry, which is UE4
Is there any need to even have this scheme? Starting this by mistake and then stopping or cleaning by mistake destroys some of the the engine’s libraries. So I have to execute a full Verify Engine each time. -
In my Run scheme I always use the
-debug argument following the xxx.uproject path.
This also gets reset whenever I do the “Generate XCode Project”
So my question is:
Where can I modify the Unreal Build Tool scripts to generate a custom XCode project?
Thank you,