
Is there no thread about development on Xbox-One?
I was wondering if anyone knows if you can test your work on your own Xbox-One without signing up on some development registration site and just throwing money at something until you have a legit purpose to be registered?

There’s a section for it but you don’t get access unless you are in the Xbox Developer program

There’s a section for it but you don’t get access unless you are in the Xbox Developer program

So the threads are not visible unless your a member to what though? ID@XBOX?


I have no clue on what is to be done to see and test making a build for xbox. Sure would be nice to have some kind of instruction other than, “you have to be a developer”
Doesn’t make sense to sign up as a developer when your not one. However, you have no exposure to see about it either.

Also, im noticing something odd, the date and time of my post are 5 hours off?