I am having issues using Unreal Engine 4 with a Xbox One Bluetooth Controller model 1708 connected by bluetooth to a Mac OS Catalina. I have verified that the controller works perfectly fine using https://html5gamepad.com/ on a Chrome browser on my Mac and all buttons, analog sticks and triggers are responsive over the bluetooth connection.
Replicating this issue can be achieved by downloading the latest version of UE4 ( 4.23.1 ) and starting a new project with the First Person template. I have tested both the C++ and the Blueprint project but the results are the same. The game is by default configured so that the right trigger is used to shoot the weapon but when using this controller nothing happens when I press the right trigger. Only when I press the right shoulder the shooting action happens but I have checked in the Input settings that the “Fire” action is binded to the right trigger and not the right shoulder.
Apart from this, trigger malfunction In-Game, the Editor becomes unusable because the Up button of the DPad seems to be constantly pressed. Any menu I select from the UE4 Editor, including the World Outliner will start moving the selection upwards automatically. The interval at which the Up button is pressed is around 3 times per second. This behaviour only occurs while this controller is connected.
I believe there could be a malfunction or something missing on a internal class that makes the Xbox controller work over bluetooth on UE4 under Mac platform. I have tried this in two different Mac OS Catalina with two different Xbox One Bluetooth controllers but the results where the same.