Xade Tales is looking for some help

Project Title:
Xade Tales

A rabbit Law Officer discovers her destiny lies beyond law enforcement.
Action RPG includes some mindless hack and slash in the form of undead but it is *not *the whole game.


  • Open world – You can go around and solve crimes and bring in criminals.
  • Open Story–Complete it in various ways, you can even fail the big story line but still win.
  • Multiple side quests
  • Silly little quests with huge bonuses. Example, Bring in the flatulent criminal. You will get a special tool to make life easier.
  • Two currencies, free and paid

Team Name:
None but would like “Xade Creations”

Team Structure**:**
<Project Manager> A. L. Michaels/InsaneXade
<C++ Programmer> If needed. Might have a friend on board.
<Blueprint Scripting> Open
<3D Character Artist> A. L. Michaels/InsaneXade open as partner I need background characters mainly
<3D Artist> open
<Concept Artist> opens

Previous Work:
http://xade.us Currently my Deviant art

Talent Required:

C++ Programmer

  • unknown, would be nice to have a hobbyist on board for what blueprints cannot do

Blueprint Scripting

  • build the gui
  • bring the magic and weapon system to life
  • create the mount system (Closest thing is FF7’s chochobo system but with unicorns)
  • Create the music system. Alex is a violinist and it is instrumental to her magic. Not like guitar hero and the like.
  • make what else is required

3D Character Artist

  • rig and animate the characters
  • design clothes
  • make the mesh hair
  • can bring my characters to life

3D Artist (I’m mainly a prop and character designer)

  • Level designer
  • Forest, expansive properties, drivable suburban, mountains, caves, hidden treasure areas
  • props
  • buildings

****Concept Artist

  • Must have drawing skills
  • can take my descriptions and bring them to life on paper or photoshop
  • storyboarding

Xade’s Deviant art

E-mail: avalable via pm
Skype: available via pm

Your link “xade.us” is not working or is linked to a white page…
Your deviant link is in deed the same broken link ^^.

oh dear let me check that it worked the other day, ah well I double checked it and fixed it. Unfortunately, my site and Deviant art are the same for the moment until I have something cohesive to build a site with.

I found it ^^

yeah somehow the S in https got dropped but it now works quite nicely