Wwise UE4 issue

Hello people
I try to generate sound data for the first time after I integrate Wwise to UE4 and I take this error, anyone had that, on the past or know something more?

The Wwise project has generated successfully the soundbank.

LogAkSoundData: Display: *** Importing SoundBank definition ***
Error: File missing or invalid:C:\Users\Entropic\AppData\Local\Temp\CookUAkAudioEventFD8C368D4F914525AC66C083F80F3339.txt
Error: Stopping the process on error ( specify -ContinueOnError in the command line to continue on error )
Process completed with error(s).
LogAkSoundData: Error: WwiseConsole failed with error 1.
LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for ‘D:/UE Projects/WwiseTest_project/MyProject/Content/WwiseAudio’ was aborted.
LogAkSoundData: Display: WwiseConsole Sound Data Builder task failed and took 0.371574 seconds.
LogAkAudio: Error: Cannot open file: Init.bnk
LogAkAudio: Error: Bank Load Failed
LogAkAudio: Error: Cannot open file: main_soundbank.bnk
LogAkAudio: Error: Bank Load Failed

Not an expert but I resolved those issues by checking this in the settings. That way a Folder will be created in the Content Folder, that is called “SoundBanks”. I can then successfully generate Sound Data.

Hope that helps,

I had the exact same error message as the OP about the missing CookUAkAudioEvent* file and your answer about the setting got me past that. I hadn’t seen any documentation pointing to that event based packaging prior to your response. Thanks!

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