Wwise and Unreal SoundBank generation failed - Wwise command-line failed with error 1

Using Wwise 2018.1.11 and Unreal 4.20.3 I receive this error message in Unreal upon choosing “Generate Soundbanks” SoundBank generation failed: see log for more information.

Checking the Output Log this is the error message: LogAk: Error: Wwise command-line failed with error 1.

I have tried googling this specific error and looked through the SDK but didn’t find a match. I also investigated the now deprecated Wwise command line to find the specific error mentioned and entered the following in the command prompt: “C: \Program Files (x86)\Audiokinetic\Wwise 2018.1.11.6987\Authoring\x64\Release\bin\WwiseCLI.exe”

Entering this line resulted in this message: Wwise can’t parse the parameters.

Anyone have an idea on how I can view this error in the Wwise Command Line or know specially what “Wwise command-line failed with error 1” is referring to? Thanks!