Wrong Window Focused in Editor


i’m having an annoying issue with my editor lately. This bug appeared from one day to the next.
Somehow the wrong window is in focus inside the editor. It’s difficult to explain what happens, but here are some examples:

  • If i rightclick in one of my blueprints, the search window appears, i can type text, but i cannot use the enter key. I have to manually click inside the searchbar again.
  • Inside the blueprint editor, i can select a blueprint, but i cannot use the delete key to delete it.
  • If i press on ‘File’ in the main window bar, i always have to press twice or trice until the ‘File’ options expand
    -The whole editor behaves like a mouseclick doesn’t focus the window i click on anymore
  • If i change a property inside a material instance e.g. a float parameter, hitting the enter key won’t work. I manually have to click somewhere else with my mouse to unfocus

I already deleted my saved and intermediate files and reset my engine config (shortcuts etc.) to the default one.
It’s impossible to properly work like this. I hope someone can help me.


Hello Priareos,

I have a few questions for you that will help narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing.

Quick questions:

  1. Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
  2. If so, are there any setting you have modified to reproduce this issue?
  3. Have you made any changes to the widget reflector?
  4. Could you try verifying your engine (Example image below)?



Hello Rudy,

Thank you for the fast reply. Your reply made me reiterate over everything i did and i in fact changed parts of the engine in the SlateApplication.cpp. I changed this value from 0 to 1 and forgot to change it back…

int32 FSlateApplication::GetUserIndexForKeyboard() const
	//@Todo Slate: Fix this to actual be a map and add API for the user to edit the mapping.
	// HACK! Just directly mapping the keyboard to User Index 0.
	return 0;

Thank you for your help!