Wrong UV Map on curved handrail/pipe or something else?? Static Mesh

Hey guys,

I’m building a simple metal stair and going to do the handrail now.
But I’ve failed at some point. The corners of my curved pipe/handrail have no textures.
I know my UV-Map is a poor one at this point, but nevertheless shouldn’t it show up something? I’m really confused about that.

The Problem

The UV-Map

Someone got any ideas about that?
For the corner u see, I marked all seems to get unstretched rectangles. Changed nothing for that.

Don’t have to flip normals. It’s all “blue” from the outside on blender.

Sorry, so that’s it on Blender.


Hi! I think your nomals are flipped, but this happening when you export your file. Select you mesh in object mode, and hit ctrl+a → rotation and scale. Then check your normals again.

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Yeah, that’s it. Thank you very much.

On exporting my handrail I was thinking: “Why are you checking ‘Apply Transform’ on export? I think I don’t need that.”
Don’t know why I didn’t challange that stupid decision and tried out something else around that problem. :person_facepalming: