Wrong location import from ZBrush

I updated to Maxon Zbrush. ZBrush 2025.1.1 installed on my PC yesterday.
Importing after the model was processed in ZBrush, the model is not in the right location anymore, thought right size and right orientation. Positive Z is imported negative Z.
Anyone has noticed?

Hello @jrulier
What are your exact steps and used settings for export and import?
Also, what are the model’s coordinates in ZBrush? Is it possible to share the original and modified model with us also with RCINFO file?

Thanks @OndrejTrhan

Once I have my RAW mesh created in Reality Capture, I export as Model.PLY with Default parameters to clean it in ZBrush. I then import the CleanModel into RC, default parameters. Model is imported with negative Z instead of positive. Same wrong location whatever the model format (PLY, OBJ, FBX)
I have been doing the same routine for years.

I sent you a message with link to models

Thank you for your data.
I checked and the problem is, that the is a missing RCIFO file for the cleaned model.
I tried to import the original model:

Then clean model without RCINFO file (which is moved):

Then I created a RCINFO file for clean model (just copy the original one and renamed to a proper name):
and after import the model in on the same position as the original model:

Right, Thanks @OndrejTrhan

That can be a solution (I was aware of) for one model though that solution was not needed before I upgraded to ZBrush 2025.1.1 from ZBrush 2022 something. I guess I have to reverse to a former version (but which one?) of ZBrush since I usually have dozens of FACS to process.

Or ask for script.

I am sure a good solution can be designed. I keep you updated.

Thanks for your time Ondrej.

This workflow (to use the RCINFO file for model import) was there since I remember and it is also the recommendation in the RealityCapture’s Help.

Down-graded to 2022.0.8 and works as it used to work.

No time to try every versions between 2022.0.8 and latest 2025, so if someone can do this, be my guest and let me know.

and I have to reinstall my UI… :frowning:

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Hi @jrulier
Can you share the modified OBJ file also from 2022 version with us? Maybe we will be able to find what changed there.