Wrong image colors when using Web Browser

I tried to add a Web Browser inside the widget which contains an image for the link. It does show the image but it has a white glow to it, and I think it is because of the material which is Widget3DPassThrough_Masked_OneSided that is set by default.

The problem is that I do not know how to make a different material to show the image correctly, and instead it showed either a white image and not the one from the link, or nothing at all. :smile:

This is how it looks by default, on the left it is a widget with Web Browser inside it, and on the right is a widget with a Image inside it with the same image only this time as an asset.

So what material should I make? How should I set that material so that the Widget from the left to look like the one from the right, so that the colors are right?

Actually I don’t think it is the material, and maybe it has something to do with the Web Browser element itself, as other elements on that widget look fine.

On top of the Web Browser I added an Image and that looks fine.

From what I understood it has something to do with the color space Web Browser (sRGB) is using compared to Widget (linear RGB).

Until Unreal Engine adds a fix to this problem (which is extremely old, since at least 2016), you can do the following:

  • Go to where default Widget material is located, for me it was Widget3DPassThrough_Masked_OneSided and that can be found in Engine / Content / Engine Materials
  • Make a copy of the parent material (not material instance), for me it was Widget3DPassThrough
  • Inside the copy add the following (circled in red, the rest is the same, only I arranged them so I can see them better)

  • Make a material instance and change the value for β€œExp” to what you like, a value of 2 looks fine, but I like 2.1 more, you can play with that number

Be careful that by using this new material, all other elements from that Widget will look a lot darker, so only use the material for a widget that only has a Web Browser.

It is not a perfect fix, but it is useable.


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