Wrong directions in modular control rigs : fixing or finding a way out?


I’m trying to animate a skeleton with modular control rigs but the legs go inward (toward the other leg) when they are supposed to go forward.

I tried to check the bones directions on my skeleton, to make them the same as Manny’s but they were already the same.

I also tried to add modular control rigs on Manny’s skeleton and I had the same issue: the legs go inwards instead of forward.

Hence, I can’t animate the legs on Manny’s skeleton or any other skeleton I have (I tried with Epic Games assets).

Did someone solve this issue or could you give me another method with a proper learning ressource to animate characters? I’m a beginner with a lot of enthusiasm and I feel a bit disappointed by this issue. I can spend a few hours on making a fully functioning rig if it corresponds to good practices.

I’m having the exact same issue. Still trying to figure it out.

Deleted my old comment, coming here with the solution from another fella <3


Hey, I didn’t see it before. Thanks a lot!