seems like this is an issue that’s presented in maybe all engine versions, but certainly is in 4.18-4.20. This leads me to believe that Epic might consider this OK and not a bug. I would like to argue that even if it might make sense in some way, it’s still not very intuitive.
When a particular bone is selected (in Persona for example) and bones are turned on to be visible, it’s joint and link to previous bone is highlighted as a selection. This might have been done because the last bones (leaf bones) in hierarchy don’t have any particular length that should be highlighted as a selection, but I think it’s not a best choice to have all the bones highlighted in this fashion just because of the leaf bones.
I believe it would be much more intuitive if highlight happens from bone joint to child joint and the leaf bones would have only the joint highlighted.
Rotating the selected bone on the image (upper arm) will really rotate the upper arm and not the clavicle (which is correct). I think it makes sense to highlight the link to the child bone because that’s actually the area of the mesh that’s skinned to that bone.