I’m using the unofficial hydra plugin by Getnamo. In my project there’s a baseball bat controlled by the razer hydra following the scheme (the one posted on the documentation and in the videos on the twitch streams) HydraPlugin->MotionController->StaticMesh->BaseballBat.
The problem that I’m facing is when I swing the bat too fast, the bat’s static mesh won’t impact against the baseball ball.
If I swing gently, the bat collides with the the ball and sends the ball away, since the ball has “simulate physics” checked and it has a physics material with some degree of restitution.
No matter whatever collision preset I assign to both the ball and the bat, when I swing too hard the ball simply trespasses the bat and falls to the ground. This happens in VR as well as in a regular monitor. Looks like the hydra swing movement is to fast and ue4 doesn’t detect it therefore there’s no collision.
If someone can shed a light here It would be great, cause im stuck! thanks guys.