Hi all, apologies for what is surely a very basic question, but: I’m trying to set up a trait system which adds an enum/bool to a character data table. I’ve set up my function similarly to how I’m modifying stats (also using an enum in character data table, but with enum to float), making it true when the character gets the trait. For the life of me I can’t get my test trait to read true.
I’ve confirmed the function runs to the end, and that it’s finding the right character, but it always prints the enum value as false. I feel like I must be missing something fundamental, any advice appreciated!
What you’ve got here is actually pretty sophisticated if someone isn’t used to traditional scripting styles or the intense need an RPG has for complicated variable trees.
It’s probably due to the need for the “Set members of struct” node, if this is intended on modifying the values in a struct! It’s different from most variables in that way, but setting a struct changes the STRUCTURE itself of the struct, you need “Set Members” and then select which member you need in the details window to change the values!