I’ve been trying to get a wrist twist to work in the post process anim blueprint and so far I’m not having much luck.
To test I have a simple arm skeleton, shoulder, elbow, and wrist, with 1 extra wrist twist joint just before the wrist joint, but also parented to the elbow.
All joints have X pointing down the joint and Y up in Maya, but once imported to UE the Y points down?
I have a “Bone Driven Controller” set to drive my twist joint from the wrists X rotation which sort of works.
If I rotate the wrists X, the twist joint rotates as expected, i.e. the same distance in it’s X.
However, if I then rotate my wrist in any other direction, the twist joint loses it’s twist value?
If this was in Maya, I would expect it to be gimbal locking and change the order of rotation on the joints to fix it, but I have no idea on how to fix this in UE?