Wrapping and Sizing List View

I have been having trouble working with list view inside a widget.
There is a list view in a horizontal orientation. I have a widget which acts as a list entry for the list view.
I was wondering if I could wrap the list entries in the list view to the next line after every 2 indexes.
Also, I am not able to make it so that the widget is scaled uniformly to fit the list bounds.

Basically, I want to:

  1. create a matrix from the child widget, instead of a linear list.
  2. have the list entries (child widgets) scale with their original proportions rather than getting stretched to fit the list view.

Sounds like you want to use a Tile View, not a List View.

Like this?

Play with this to get another sizing behaviour:


Yeah that is nice! Though I found a “Uniform Grid Panel” that did the job for me, this seems helpful too.


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