Would you call yourself a programmer if all you use is blueprints


A lot of good thoughts above me.

I definitely would not call myself a programmer using only Blueprints and not being able write traditional code. I think the proper expression is ‘scripter’ because in my understanind you are not actually implementing anything new when using Blueprints, you are using pre-made functions as building blocks to your own logic. However, in my opinion Blueprint scripting is the closest thing to programming out there, and if you are not a programmer you won’t see its limitations for a while.

In unreal 3 people using unrealscript feel programers, but now they have to use aberrant colorful boxes…heresy!!! :wink:

UnrealScript was a… script and the majority of games with unreal was done for programmers using unreal script, check the credits of GoW for example.

‘Scripter’ is someone that put minimal logic in a game where a 98% of gameplay is already done, and using special tools like for example kismet in unreal 3.

In unreal 4, unrealscript and kismet was fused and programmers gonna crazy if they cannot put ** ;** :stuck_out_tongue:

Soo in my opinion if you was programing the majory of the game with blueprints you are more in programmer side that Scripter the side.

Neo, sooner or later you’re going to realize, just as I did, that there’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path. - Morpheus :wink:

I agree! And the difference is that, I can use blueprints for 95% of the UE4 work I do, and I have the option to drop in a C++ plugin for the cases where that doesn’t cut it.
Someone who doesn’t have that option, by definition has less choice about what to do, and will obviously run into roadblocks if some problem that requires that solution would come up.
I think “scripter” is just fine as a name. “Level designer and scripter” is a proud tradition, that generally grows in one of two ways:

  • learn C++ and grow into a full-featured programmer
  • build fantastic game stories, and grow into a game designer

Well blueprints are pretty much visual programming so I guess it would

I’d say i’m a visual scripter.

In working solely with BP, I would say the visual aspects of Blueprints makes one not only a Programmer, but, also BP Architect/Engineer. In some cases an Artist.

I don’t know official terms and honestly don’t care for them, but just from my humble weird-dev perspective:

  • I’ve programmed in Unity in C# for couple of years and it was considered as object oriented programming;
  • I did some standalone apps for lab projects at university (regular CS degree), also working within OOP many times;
  • Now for UE I work almost 100% with Blueprints and I see no difference when it comes to creating logic & planning + managing ‘code’. For example, I still use UML diagrams before constructing more complex subsystems, to structure my classes correctly & to not end up with spaghetti… That can be VERY visible in Blueprints if we’re not careful :smiley: … But the ‘visual’ spaghetti in BP’s is an another, different beast to deal with.
    BP’s are powerful enough to fully develop a game with pretty complex mechanics. Some things are not exposed and sometimes I need to write some custom function in C++, but in my case it happens very rarely.
    Imho it’s a programming, just like any other programming with using a framework, with visual representation of logic instead of lines of code.

So if this will add some value to the discussion, with how I ‘feel’ myself as a Blueprint dev/programmer/scripter/artist/whatever from my perspective, here you go :slight_smile:
But pure ‘programmer’ term is not really suitable for pure Blueprint dev, the problem with a ‘programmer’ term is its very broad definition - and I can’t think of some good & fair alternative, maybe we should come up with some new term? Visual programmer? Gameplay programmer? Blueprint spaghetti chef? ^^

PS. Definition of computer programming: The process of developing and implementing various sets of instructions to enable a computer to do a certain task. If I’m not mistaken, this applies to Blueprints :slight_smile: Another term I’ve heard: Problem solving. Same here.

I know and use frequently 5 programming languages and I do not consider myself a programmer; I have impostor syndrome.

As someone who is fluent in many and works in the games industry as a team lead programmer I would say it depends on the context.

Even if all you do is touch Blueprints then yes you are still programming, and would by definition be a programmer.
But if the context was say… a job interview, you wouldn’t list Blueprint programming unless it was specifically a UE job. Though it would certainly make a good conversation hook piece if you ever got me as your interviewer.

As far as avoiding C++ like a plague it seems to me that the core peice of programming is eluding you as once you learn one type of programming you usually can do them all, so maybe somewhere inside you don’t actually want to be a programmer you just want to get stuff done?