If I wanted multiple things to fire off of a tick, and using branches everywhere starts getting messy would it be considered bad practice to create a custom event that fires off the first Tick event?
Would this cause performance issues down the line?
There shouldn’t be any difference between doing a sequence or a custom event performance wise (you are still only ticking once).
I ran a test by {spawning 5 meshes per tick at a maximum of 500, adding them to an array and moving each one of them with a for loop} using a sequence to run that 3 times per tick. Then I tested it with custom events. Performance was identical.
This is one of the best ways to keep your blueprints organized. The other is moving repeated processes into a function call or macro.
I would recommend not thinking of it as a second tick but as a named process that just happens to occur every tick. They are still called and executed in sequence not in parallel.
Check out this post on the Unreal Engine blog for a good overview of the topic.
Another way to handle a tick event with a lots of work is to add a sequence node to the tick, this way you can organize your logic into blocks and you can even enable/disable parts of your logic. I’ve attached an example on how I normally setup my tick, with an example on how to enable/disable certain parts.