Worth using Mixamo/Fuse Models for Base Models?

So with Mixamo having everything free at the moment is it worth using a naked character created with Mixamo for my Base Model (Meaning just naked character and add clothes and such later that will be custom)?

I am do not do any 3d Modeling (might try to get into it out of necessity) and have had a hard time trying to find someone I know in real life and online that is up to donating sometime to creating 2 player models for me.

Not sure if it matters but basically I only need a male and female human character.

Going back to my original question though is it worth using chracters created in that as final characters or is it better to have something made from the ground up that be 100% custom.

This is a game I eventually plan on to release on steam (probably about 1-2 years out from now).

Would like to know Pros and Cons, thanks!


I’m using Mixamo/Fuse models in my current project.

The pros for me: clothing is modular and it is very easy to create new characters and import them.

The cons: retargeting if you do not import using a skeleton that is used for all of the animations. For example, I imported on character and selected the skeleton that came with Kubold’s moveset animation pack. However, the skeleton in Kubold’s pistol animation pack has a different base pose, which means I have to mess with the base pose to try and match the base pose on the moveset pack. While I can match it pretty close, it is not perfect, leading to some defects that can be fixed using bone transforms in the animation blueprint anim graph but this is not ideal. I’m thinking that due to the sensitivity of the pistol pack, I might switch around my skeletons and use the skeleton starting from the pistol pack instead and retarget from there. I’ll have to purchase the rifle pack and see what the base pose for that skeleton is. I would prefer is all of Kubold’s packs used the same base pose, but changing that is really up to him.