I´m new to the World Partition topic, and now i´m trying to use world partition in my horror game with help of horror engine.
I started to create a new level in UE5.4.3 and the level uses world partition.
If i start a new game i can play the “first” map without issues. If i solve some puzzles and the game saves it and i try to reload to the last “checkpoint” or last save game the game crashed (independently if in editor or standalone).
Assertion failed: !FindObject(nullptr, *PackageName) [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\WorldPartition\WorldPartitionLevelHelper.cpp] [Line: 354]
I also tried to uncheck the Spatially Loaded for the PlayerStart, but it doesn´t helped me.
I don´t think that the save object is wrong in horror engine, because if i create a new project without world partition, i can save and reload without issues.
Did someone else has the same issue and can help?