
I cut up a map with world partition. A Twon portal (Actor) is placed inside Area1. Put a LevelInstance in Area9. LevelInstance has a standard Level (with floor and PlayerStart) and the player’s starting position is in Area A1
When the player is within range of the portal, a specific button is pressed to start teleporting.
Question 1: How do I know if the LevelInstance for the transfer destination is in a region on the map?
Q2: How to switch to LevelIntance if the transport area is within an area of the map

Sorry, my English is not good, I use Google Translate, please forgive me for the inconvenience

Hi sunqun,

I’m not sure if you looking for a way in Blueprint or C++ - I have a routine here that looks through the World Partitions for level instances at a certain location:

FSphere BrushSphere;
BrushSphere.Center=FVector(0,0,0); // set this to your position
BrushSphere.W=10000.0f; // radius

const bool bEnsureIsGWorld=true;
UWorld* World=GEditor?GEditor->GetEditorWorldContext(bEnsureIsGWorld).World():nullptr;

const FBox BrushSphereBounds(BrushSphere.Center-BrushSphere.W,BrushSphere.Center+BrushSphere.W);
UClass* actorClass=ALevelInstance::StaticClass();
UActorPartitionSubsystem* actorSubsystem=World->GetSubsystem<UActorPartitionSubsystem>();

const uint32 GridSize=actorClass->GetDefaultObject<APartitionActor>()->GetDefaultGridSize(World);
const UActorPartitionSubsystem::FCellCoord MinCellCoords=UActorPartitionSubsystem::FCellCoord::GetCellCoord(BrushSphereBounds.Min,World->PersistentLevel,GridSize);
const UActorPartitionSubsystem::FCellCoord MaxCellCoords=UActorPartitionSubsystem::FCellCoord::GetCellCoord(BrushSphereBounds.Max,World->PersistentLevel,GridSize);

for(int32 z=MinCellCoords.Z;z<=MaxCellCoords.Z;z++)	{
	for(int32 y=MinCellCoords.Y;y<=MaxCellCoords.Y;y++) {
		for(int32 x=MinCellCoords.X;x<=MaxCellCoords.X;x++) {
			UActorPartitionSubsystem::FCellCoord CellCoords(x,y,z,World->PersistentLevel);
			const FVector Min=FVector(CellCoords.X*GridSize,CellCoords.Y*GridSize,CellCoords.Z*GridSize);
			const FVector Max=Min+FVector(GridSize);
			FBox CellBounds(Min,Max);

			if(CellBounds.Intersect(BrushSphereBounds)) {
				const bool create=true;
				if(auto PartitionActor=actorSubsystem->GetActor(actorClass,CellCoords,create)) {
					ALevelInstance* levelInstanceActor=Cast<ALevelInstance>(PartitionActor);
					if(levelInstanceActor) {
						// process the levelinstance here

Once you have that Actor, you should be able to load it and “SetCurrent”.

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Thank you very much for your reply. Now I am developing with blueprints
The method you provided really works, thank you very much

Excuse me, what does FSphere mean in blueprints
Collision? TriggerSphere

It’s just “Sphere” for Blueprints, just remove the first “F” or “U” or “A” from the C++ versions to get the correct Blueprint type:


Sorry, an error occurred while executing the following line of code
const uint32 GridSize = actorClass->GetDefaultObject()>GetDefaultGridSize(World);
The reason is to execute this line of code: DEFINE_VTABLE_PTR_HELPER_CTOR(ALevelInstance);

My mistake - it’s been a long day! - the code is from a routine I use for finding the foliage actors - I had assumed that it would be possible to get a CDO of a partitionactor from other things, but it looks like it’s only in foliage and PCG.

I just had a look on google, but wasn’t able to find anything useful.

Perhaps someone else has an idea?

That’s all right. Thank you very much for your answer. I’ll find another way

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