Worldoutliner - multiple windows ---!

okay so yet again, another “clear and obvious” problem.
i have to come up with terms for this, for when i refer to EPIC on my show, or a unreal documentary like an hour long thing.

clear and obvious - need for multiple worldoutliners
clear and obvious - need to post on answerhub about it (not a bug, not a help question)
clear and obvious - yeh bookmarks. saw that. 4 viewports. 4 content browsers? seriously? worldoutliner. nope.

and i think one of the windows is forced “on top”
yeh one is forced on top so i can open the worldoutliner vertically across 2 screens, but
the tail end of it on the other screen cannot be “underneath” so it blocks half the screen

literally would not be a problem if there were a work-around

id ask in C++ questions but ive had three EASY EASY questions in there looking for someone with a clue, and no bites at all yet not even comments.

I can tell you why some of your “EASY EASY” questions remain unanswered. First, you sometimes ask about something that no one has ever needed not thought about. Second – and it must be the main reason – you write too much unnecessary things and don’t bother to use proper punctuation. Reading your questions alone is quite often difficult, and filtering everything in order to extract bits of useful data is just too much work sometimes. You need to work on your communication skills, and maybe people will be more responsive.

As for the question itself, apparently you can’t have multiple world outliners. I don’t even know why you would need that. Personally, I love how it’s done in Blender – you can open anything you want in any number of windows/viewports, but every software is different so it is what it is.