Hi all -
I have a quick question about WPO math. I’ve been playing around with some assets and using WPO to displace Nanite meshes.
One thing I’ve noticed is that using a heighmap with vertexNormalWS to make surface displacement can break meshes across seams. E.g. see here:
Note that the pre-tessellated mesh does not have seams at these regions where the mesh separates (the same thing happens with a rounded, catmull-clarke subD of the mesh):
In other 3D softwares, displacement often has a ‘midpoint’ function that will allow you to designate a middle point from which to displace, such that sections of the mesh as a whole do not move in the direction of their normal vectors (i.e., the mesh displaces in-place from the centre).
I’m wondering if anyone has any idea how to code a midpoint in UE for WPO?
Unfortunately the documentation is…well…useless in this regard (1.10 - World Position Offset | Unreal Engine Documentation and WorldPositionOffset | Unreal Engine Documentation).
This is what I’m playing with now:
The results are ok, but not perfect.
So mostly wondering if anyone has insights into a better midpoint control and anything for better/other general controls for WPO overall.