World patrition lost streaming landscape

I woke up today and launched the project, but it was completely black, there was only player start. The grid for the landscape, which was divided into parts, has disappeared. Now she is not in the world patrtion. The settings include enable streaming. Now game: 140 ms+ and before it was 20-30 ms and fps was 30-50.

I find problem.
i miss landscape but have landscape streming proxy. i dont delete them. Build landscape dont help. This side fixed.
Regions dont fixed on 1 screen.

Early i have regions analog this but now cant find them

Maybe your project folder is corrupted / check your disk drive for errors.

Other than that, unless you updated the project from an old engine version or did something similar to this, we can’t even begin to guess at the cause.

Try moving the project to a new machine to see if stuff comes back.
If so, look up what to delte from the saved folder to have the engine re-generate its files…

Hi. Yep corrupted because i add many new assets and some new plugins. My pc not so good so when i do generation landscape take error and after then all project die. Now i know -_- and always do backup)