World Partition with dynamic object

Hi, I use SpawnProp to create object in UEFN dynamicly, but i have some problem, how i understand World Partition doesn’t work with dynamic object. Somebody has solution this problem?

P.S. I can create verse function for it, but i don’t think this is good idea

I also noticed that, did you read any docs on why World Partition doesn’t work on those ?

As I later checked it works, but only over very long distances. Maybe parameters in the distance in the mesh or blueprint itself will help to reduce this distance.
Another point, I’ve also read that it doesn’t work because of the peculiarities of the UE engine. Others write that everything works. I mean, it’s kind of weird

I think what you’re seeing with the distance is just the distance culling happening, which means the object is still loaded on the client it’s just not displayed

World streaming is supposed to dynamically feed the client with the appropriate props so that the load is delegated to the server if that makes sense