World partition vs Level streaming ue5

world partition vs level streaming on UE5
which one is better for separated levels?
i have different area’s but all actors are seperated and Sequence’s is different.
So which one is better for different levels?

For separate levels, undoubtably streaming. World partition is for large worlds.

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so how about Memory usage?
which one is more suitable for Separated levels?
i mean there is an some different huge level sequences in levels like a separated Animation Movies

The engine probably cant run “huge” levels at a satisfying FPS - not to mention loading times even off the fastest M.2 - in order for you to make cut scenes work.

Either go back to 4.## where things used to actually work, or resign on having to create pre-rendered videos for your cutscenes (so 1990!)…

They’re both about the same.

so Level Streaming and World partition is same for Performance right?

Assuming you’re loading the same amount of stuff, yes. But with streaming, you get to choose when and what. With WP, it just happens.

Well, it happens based on 2d distance from the tile…