After converting a copy of my project from UE5.0.3 to UE5.1.0 I have a strange problem. Maybe someone can help me.
I can load my project into UE5.1.0 without any problems as it consists mostly of SM and not complicated BPs.
But I found out that the World Partition does not work. Of course it has been changed but I don’t really understand it.
I saved the project under a new map/project name. I cut the objects on the map and pasted them on the map. After that the World Partition works fine. I can endload and reload the objects using the minimap.
But after restarting the UE the minimap World Partition is set to “unloaded” and the objects are still displayed. Then it is not possible to load or unload the sectors via the minimap. So if the objects mostly SM in the World have no allocation.
I have also already checked if they would be duplicated. This is also not the case.
I don’t understand the problem do I have to change something in the project settings when switching to UE5.1.0?
Does anyone have the same problem or a solution?