World Partition UE 5.3.2 Problem

Hello! I have a rather large world, so I decided to divide it through the World Partition, everything worked fine until I decided to run through the world, my character after a certain distance falls through the ground and flies in free fall, apparently the problem lies in this values: Cell Size and Loading Range in Grids World Settings:
I set this values, because of performance, for me it’s a good desicion for normal fps:

When I increase the cell size and loading range the problem goes away but I need to set it to large values ​​and this is a problem, I have low fps because of this and for my game a large loading range and large cell sizes are not optimal.
It is a bug or what? I read some topics about World Partition in Unreal 5.3.2 and too much users says, that there are too much bugs with it, is it true? What about 5.4.2 version, this bug is fixed or that i need to do? Thanks for help, best regards.!