World Partition stuttering when streaming in actors

Hi there,
I have a general question about World Partition and how to avoid glitches/stuttering when actors/landscape proxies are streamed in.
I built a simple test case with a landscape divided into 64 tiles, and 64 “tiles” of instanced static meshes.
When driving through the scene the frame rate drops dramatically and causes hitches of almost up to a second every time a new tile is streamed in. In the upper left of screen a message about “Preparing Shaders” is shown.
I tried packaging the project using the Shipping setting and the built version has the same glitches/stutters, making the game more or less unplayable.
Possibly a dumb question; but is there a way to have those actors stream in “in the background” using different threads, so that it doesn’t completely freeze the gameplay and graphics as they stream in?
Since I’m just starting to build the world, I’d like to figure this out now before going to far with it, as the level is only going to get more and more complex and I imagine the glitches will get much worse…
Thanks for any help!

Be aware that this


does not package the game for shipping. Don’t ask me why, it doesn’t :slight_smile:

If you can still open the console, it’s not for shipping.

You need to use the launcher


Then everything is precompiled. Give that a go…