World Partition or Level Streaming in UE 5.3?

Hi guys I am developing together with a team a multiplayer open world with a really large map 16x16 that is 256km2 (UE 5.3). For now I only have a presistent level, because we are deciding what technology to use to optimize the level. Everyone would say World Partition however we have issues with saves, i.e. we can’t find a save method that handles cell loading and unloading properly, especially in the dedicated server.

Instead I have had very good performance results with Level Streaming, however from what I have learned it is not meant for multiplayer, i.e. if there are two clients in a server in two opposing parts of the map, and one player activates a volume by loading a level, it also loads it to the other player, I know there is code that can make it so that it loads the level only for one client, but the question now is how would it behave in dedicated server? And how would the saves handle it?

I am here to ask for advice and if anyone has been through this some safe solution.

I thank you for your attention and waiting for someone to reply.

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